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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Engaging with a new learner

Embedding digital inclusion support into your service can help.,This will vary from person to person and as a Digital Champion the most important thing you can do is,Digital Champion Keep it frequent, informal and flexible You will need to tailor your delivery approach,Digital Champion Build digital skills support into everyday interactions You can help people to build,This approach is best suited to an ‘embedded Digital Champion’.

The role of the Digital Champion

A good Digital Champion is: Friendly, approachable, and eager to help others learn new skills A good,Embedded Digital Champions understand the wider context of their learner’s life, and with regular engagement,a specific paid post to promote digital inclusion.,Example:Alison works as a Digital Inclusion Officer for a local community organisation, it’s a new post,It’s her responsibility to find new opportunities to work with learners and so she starts a digital learning

Village halls as digital champions

opportunities to learn new skills.,That’s what makes them ideal places to host digital champions! What can a village hall do?,Support local volunteers to become digital champions.,Digital champions are anyone that helps someone get online.,for supporting a learner.

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

services that support our members and the wider sector to do what they do so well.,As a champion for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we wanted to do what we could to make the Gathering,sessions with 627 learners 12 DigiShift community calls were attended by 527 people 43,000 SCVO digital,webpage views 60 organisations received Cyber Readiness Check support calls Digital inclusion SCVO’s,digital inclusion team has continued its work to build capacity for partnership working in the digital

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

We’ve been at the heart of improving digital inclusion for the most vulnerable people across Scotland,, as well as supporting voluntary organisations to be more digitally engaged themselves.,How to do our bit in tackling the climate emergency, how to improve equality, diversity and inclusion,SCVO digital webpage views 1,400 learners on our free Microsoft training sessions mPower The mPower,During the pandemic SCVO linked mPower into Connecting Scotland to maximise the digital inclusion needed

Supporting digital inclusion in Scotland’s social housing sector

This project felt like a great recipe for increasing digital inclusion for several reasons: People living,services The opportunities to use an embedded digital champion approach is a perfect fit for the housing,Since June 2019 we’ve delivered almost 30 surgeries and trained over 260 Digital Champions (DCs) in the,In the Digital Team at SCVO we have adopted an agile and iterative approach to how we deliver our projects,Creating the culture that supports digital means we must listen to these fears so that they don’t become

Essential digital skills for Scotland - charter briefing part 2

in digital inclusion work.,Digital Champions Our Digital Champion training and follow up support model demonstrates how effective,digital inclusion projects.,doing and where we could provide more support.,inclusion work they are doing, or are intending to do.

A week in the life of a digital champion

Around 1 in 5 adults in Scotland do not have the digital skills that they need to make the most of new,new or returning learners.,responded 14Number of digital champions returning data 46 Number of end learners per week (new and returning,The 46 digital champions who returned data for snapshot week helped an average of 17 new learners, and,New and returning learners New learners are people who have never received support from a Digital Champion

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: