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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Place-based digital inclusion

up to provide holistic support for supporting people online, taking a place-based approach to digital,inclusion supports a range of community-wide benefits for citizens.,What has SCVO been doing?,, build sustainable partnerships, and foster a digitally inclusive society.,, and who you’re doing it with.

Digital inclusion sessions

Organisations have a responsibility to support their staff to do their jobs, and to support their services,We will tailor our bespoke support specifically to help you approach digital inclusion sustainably.,guide you through best practices on how to do digital inclusion If you are already delivering digital,inclusion support you understand digital inclusion and know how to do it we will tailor our support,digital inclusion (making the case for digital inclusion at all levels of the organisation) Doing digital


We can only create an effective digital inclusion infrastructure through coordinating our efforts to,Partnerships to support digital inclusion activity operate on multiple levels including: Informal collaborations,- one to one and multi partner collaborations usually operating in a local area to support digital skills,Larger locality-based partnerships (with wide ranging memberships, often supported by dedicated staff,and funding) usually operating within a local authority area, such as our place-based digital inclusion

The five challenges

So much literature on digital inclusion focuses on the individual who is digitally excluded with skills,them, as well as have a device that is suitable for the things that they want to do.,Anyone providing a digital service has a role to play in digital inclusion.,to digital inclusion work within the organisation or community.,This can include in-kind or financial support, with a focus on supporting people to develop their digital

The roadmap

inclusion strategy can do this alone.,inclusion, supported by the three broader enablers which need to be in place to support them.,the things you want to do; and Inclusive design – when you get online, spaces are well designed so that,exclusion is an integral part of delivering digital public services; Partnerships – organisations work,capacity and a supportive environment to enable them to appropriately embed work to tackle digital exclusion

The way forward

We also know that digital inclusion is not something that once achieved lasts forever; any one of us,By doing more, digital inclusion can be the key to unlocking life changing opportunities.,To help, our team can provide: Support to benchmark and grow the digital capabilities of your workforce,An assessment of your organisation’s digital inclusion maturity In-house sessions to help develop your,approach to embedding digital inclusion Support to develop partnerships and new place-based approaches

Planning your digital inclusion support

This section gives you an overview to follow for any digital inclusion project.,Starting your digital inclusion journey Here are some key things to consider when planning your digital,inclusion support journey: What do your services users need? ,Let your service users and wider networks know about your digital inclusion support.,.”Chris Morrison, Business Support Officer, Hebridean Housing Partnership

Promoting your service

Promoting your digital inclusion will increase engagement.,Don’t forget to celebrate the successes of your digital inclusion work both big and small.,Lead with the benefits to the individual rather than 'doing digital'.,your digital inclusion support too.,They can help with referrals and potential partnership working.

The Digital Participation Charter Fund is back!

Embedding digital means that projects still do the same amazing work they always do, but they think about,Or perhaps you do financial inclusion work.,The Digital Participation Charter Fund is administered by SCVO, and Round 9 is delivered in partnership,“The Digital Citizen Division in Scottish Government is delighted to be working in partnership with SCVO,The Digital Participation Charter Fund supports organisations that do incredibly important work to promote

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: