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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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of the Scottish Charity Awards this year, but to win two of the categories (Campaign of the Year and Digital,platforms for our wellbeing services adding digital and telephone counselling, Zoom Coping with Change,workshops, befriending calls and a suite of digital self-help resources which have all been a major,By adding these digital services, we have become more accessible to people living in rural communities,You're welcome to call us on 0800 169 0022 or drop us an email to

Your Digital Champions

Three key actions Understand the role of a Digital ChampionIdentify your Digital ChampionsHelp your Digital,They are also likely to have most of the digital skills to offer others support.,This will help you to identify key digital skills for life and work they need more support to develop,Learners will often return to someone they trust for more digital skills support.,Digital Champions often provide support to their colleagues too.

Creating the culture

Three key actions Identify your Digital Motivator Get buy-in across the organisation Embed digital inclusion,They make sure the senior management team understand and support digital inclusion work.,They also motivate and support frontline staff.,This can include how to stay safe online to better inform how they support others.,For example, showing a person how to make video calls.

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3 A rapidly-changing context What changed from March 2020 Our ambition: everyone,is our third Call to Action for a Digitally Confident Scottish voluntary sector.,In our previous call to action in 2018, we saw that digital change was already gathering a lot of momentum,In 2022, our call to action is that any voluntary sector organisation, of any size, should be able to,to Action in 2018.

Evaluating success

Understanding the impact and progress of your digital inclusion support is important.,Three key actions Engage with your service users, staff and volunteers Capture Digital Champion interactions,Get them to complete the digital skills checklist at the start and after a period of support.,Digital Champion interactions Capture the type and frequency of support Digital Champions give and who,Less time dealing with general query calls, paperwork or logging information may occur.


A special commendation was given to Bob MacKenzie from CACE (Cumbernauld Action on Care of the Elderly,Naloxone is a life-saving medication that reverses opioid overdose, providing vital time to call an ambulance,We are especially delighted to have won in the Community Action Category as, from the outset, Cumbernauld,new volunteers, making friendly phone calls– he is an unstoppable force for good.,of people with devices, digital skills and connectivity.

User insight

Gaining insight into what kind of support your users need is key.,Three key actions Find out what access your users have to devices and connectivity Measure the digital,It is important you check with everyone you support if they have foundation skills.,Motivation You will need to motivate people by keeping your digital inclusion support person-centred.,They may be feeling isolated, so you could help them set up and use video calling with friends.

Engaging with a new learner

Before you start supporting someone to build their digital skills and confidence you will need to invest,Embedding digital inclusion support into your service can help.,v=0Y9YHrN_has#action=share Top Tip The hook should be something fun, and a quick win to show the possibilities,Digital Champion Build digital skills support into everyday interactions You can help people to build,For example, a service user calls you to ask about any events your organisation is delivering over the

Supporting your people while working remotely

Your team will need support to adapt to new ways of working.,Give them this support, and keep them happy, and they are likely to excel in their work.,Three key actions Communication is key Promote staff wellbeing Provide any additional necessary training,Schedule a social call now and then and have a #random office chat channel in your messaging platform,Our Essential Digital Skills toolkit includes a checklist for workplace digital skills.

Essential digital skills

During the pandemic, video calling services such as Zoom, Teams and Google Meet have become increasingly,communicate with colleagues I can use apps such as FaceTime, Zoom and Skype to make video and audio calls,Communication (Barclay Digital Wings) Video Calling (Learn My Way) Getting Started with Zoom (GCF Global,health information I can use online productivity tools such as Trello to plan out projects and create action,, e.g. help setting up certain parental controls; Devoting additional time or resources to supporting

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: