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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Digital Senior Leaders Programme

steps and details of how to join your cohort.,Digital keeps moving, and this course will give you the skills and confidence to keep up.,This peer-to-peer support will help you grow on your journey as a digital leader.,Roadmapping: Review and reflect on your organisation's digital journey and map out your next steps.,to support you to move forward and drive digital evolution in your organisation.

Foundation digital skills

Use our Essential Digital Skills check to measure your digital skills These are the Foundation Digital,Some good resources for developing Foundation Skills: Essential Digital Skills Check-up can be used to,of fantastic resources to support your learner’s first digital steps.,Strong Password: this video gives the top tips to creating strong, secure passwords – an essential first step,Videos for setting up Chromebooks and iPads are also available from the Connecting Scotland website.

What next?

steps and secure your organisation's future.,lots of support on how you can run your organisation.,What you do next depends on what kind of services you're providing, who you're working with and what,functionality: Funding Scotland Good governance Your management board, your trustees, have a vital role in setting,regulation that may affect youBusiness planning and development, and financesHow to be confident using digital

Delivering support

"The informal environment and set up of the project where people could drop in and stay as long as they,Normally, a Digital Champion would support someone with their digital skills face-to-face in a setting,you navigate different devices, such as this Chromebook simulator and Apple Teacher (which has iOS step-by-step,Digital Champion The next stages of your support will depend on what the learner wants to get from being,start providing support you should set your own boundaries to protect yourself.

SCVO Digital Call To Action 3

gets digital Themes and key next steps Our ask to funders and support organisations Introduction This,Themes and key next steps It’s for everyone What’s the issue?,Support organisations link up their training offers to maxmise impact.,up individual user accounts wherever possible Set up 2 Factor Authentication wherever possible Ensure,We also set up Google Workspace to reach users in LAs which weren’t using O365.

User insight

Gaining insight into what kind of support your users need is key.,For example, adjust the font size or to set up a screen reader.,The next step will be to build essential digital skills for life.,Motivation You will need to motivate people by keeping your digital inclusion support person-centred.,They may be feeling isolated, so you could help them set up and use video calling with friends.

Two examples of how organisations used data to improve their effectiveness

together a simple A/B test on long monthly vs short fortnightly emails and ran this for 6 weeksThey set,up a segment of ‘cold supporters’ who had not opened any of their last 5 emails, and ran a simple reactivation,As a first step to gain a better picture of the number of calls and topics which were coming up, they,personal data.Sifting through the emailed call summaries quickly become time-consuming, so the charity set,Next page

Trustee's Week 2023

Support for trustees all year round SCVO provide support for trustees, including: Lots of information,from the Development Trusts Association Scotland and SCVO that will take you through everything from setting,up and meeting legal requirements, to digital skills and environmental impact Don’t miss the opportunity,results and plan the next steps on your journey to good governance.,for ongoing support then check out SCVO’s trustee network supported by Rathbones Investment Management

Data ethics, risk, and privacy

important questions about projects that use data, and reflect on the responses.Balancing risk: All data sets,a reliable conclusion.The risk of misinterpreting data: Make sure you don’t use data to support misleading,Take steps to make things secure If you’re working with data, you need to take steps to make sure the,Here are a few key steps to take: Educate and support team members who are working with data on how to,Next page

SCVO's strategy for 2023-28

Charity Award winners 2021 Strategy for 2023-28 Ambitious for SCVO,ambitious for the voluntary sector Setting,Embracing digital approaches has extended the reach and effectiveness of many voluntary organisations,All SCVO members sign up to our values statement: SCVO members believe in a thriving voluntary sector,We will promote excellence in governance, digital capacity, diversity and inclusion.,This strategy sets out where and how we can make the most difference.

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: