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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Village and community halls handbook

Village and community halls handbook This handbook is for everyone running a village or community hall,From governance and facilities management to net zero and digital, we'll guide you through what you need,Village halls are often the heart of a community.,This guidance is produced by SCVO and Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) from Development Trusts,Association Scotland (DTAS), with support from Scottish Rural Network, part of the Scottish Government

Digital village halls

In this section, we talk you through the practical ways you can use online and digital platforms to help,promote your village hall and make it easy for people to interact with you.,We'll also give you advice on how your village hall can become a digital champion, supporting your community,to build their digital confidence and skills.,Back to: Handbook Next section: Climate confident village halls

People using your hall

We’ve talked about online ways to manage bookings in our digital village halls section.,You could also consider things like a shared digital calendar where events can be added.,village halls.,The Ethical Property Foundation also has useful guidance on how to hire out community spaces and what,There's also some useful information in our section on taking on a community space.


or community hall.,This handbook is for you if you are involved in a village or community hall as: a trustee a member of,What is a village or community hall?,We've chosen to use village or community halls, or village halls, to cover all of these kinds of spaces,We've been grateful to have support of organisations across Scotland, including lots of village and community

Village halls as digital champions

Village halls are at the heart of our communities –often a place local residents trust to find activities,What can a village hall do?,There's lots a village hall can do to help people feel more confident about using digital, and give them,Tips for turning your village or community hall into a digital hub Here are some top tips for thinking,That’s what makes them ideal places to host digital champions! What can a village hall do?

Greenlaw War Memorial Hall

Kathryn Todd, Trustee Scottish Borders Tell us about your village hall Ours is a community owned hall,remains community owned.,What would you like to happen next for your village hall?,Also to be more digitally aware.,There is support, it's just knowing where to find it.


Some of the activities you might carry out or want to start doing in your village or community hall could,halls and community buildings are likely to require one.,allows you to legally play music for employees, volunteers or customers, through the radio, TV, other digital,public performance of a film.Cinema For All is the national support and development organisation for,They give advice and support including guidance on screening films in your community and a 15-minute

Climate confident village halls

Growing Climate Confidence Growing Climate Confidence is a comprehensive digital resource tool from SCVO,, providing information and guidance on reducing your emissions and engaging your community on your journey,You should carry out a simple audit of your community space, to help you identify the most effective,Changing the way in which staff, volunteers and users in your community space use energy and controls,Back to: Handbook Next section: Funding for village halls

Your hall online

The digital and online world offers lots of possibilities for your village hall, so it’s worth investing,feels like a gap in your knowledge or experience, you could look at getting a trustee involved who has digital,Here are some of the ways that having an online presence could help your village hall: Effective and,safe internet use Here are some of the things you will need to make sure that your hall is digital ready,and that you and your hall users can access online and digital in a safe way.

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: