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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Delivering support

Digital Champion Remote support A key challenge for Digital Champions during lockdown restrictions has,Normally, a Digital Champion would support someone with their digital skills face-to-face in a setting,different devices, such as this Chromebook simulator and Apple Teacher (which has iOS step-by-step guides,As employees, we have legal obligations around Data Protection and not sharing any personal data we may,A Digital Champion should not request passwords or excessive personal data from a learner.

Essential digital skills

can introduce new activities.,This is where you can introduce online tasks that meet the learner’s interests and needs.,(Microsoft) Microsoft Outlook Guide (Microsoft) Essential Digital Skill: Handling Information and Content,Champion Guide.,Before you leave, you can check out the last part of the Digital Motivator Guide: measuring impact or

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

service, and introducing a new Cyber Security Check-up and Essential Digital Skills Check-up, while,offering ‘quick fix’ emergency digital support service to 60 organisations.,Connecting Scotland has provided a device, data, training and support to people who are digitally excluded,to support learning and developing long term digital skills.,Looking forward SCVO’s three-year strategic plan covering 2019-22 will continue to guide our overall

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

our ever-popular information service handled thousands of queries and we introduced new one-to-one in-depth,Milo (volunteering) Milo is a data management and reporting platform, provided by SCVO and funded by,This emergency work took place alongside our continued support of digitally excluded households across,job opportunities online financial savings for participants who didn't have to pay for equipment or data,webpage views 60 organisations received Cyber Readiness Check support calls Digital inclusion SCVO’s

Review of National Outcomes 2023 - SCVO response to call for evidence

2007, encouraging public bodies and voluntary organisations to use the framework to guide decisions,,2007, advocating for the NPF to guide the decisions and actions of public bodies and other organisations,Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE), has been commissioned by the Department for Department for Digital,Visibility and accountability are closely intertwined, and while introducing resources to support the,If this data is supported over the long-term and consistently collected in the future, it could demonstrate

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

, as well as supporting voluntary organisations to be more digitally engaged themselves.,and templates. 550 complex questions answered 48 guides and templates created Coronavirus info hub 125,000,It was here that we launched our 'Introduction to the Voluntary Sector' guide and posters with localised,Had the chance to learn directly from digital experts 76 Digital checkups 18 Topical digital training,including: Gaining our Gold Investors in People status Becoming a top 10 Flexibility Works Employer Introducing

Taking a service design approach can help us all innovate

Renate Kriegler Edwards shares her story on how service design brought remote support practitioners together

We give new Scots a warm welcome to life in Edinburgh

Alex Whitteker has only been in Edinburgh a couple of years himself, but he's determined to make other newcomers feel welcome

SCVO submission to the Law Family Commission on Civil Society

The sector also provides digital devices and support to develop digital skills for digitally excluded,and we believe it could have both direct and consequential impacts on decision-making and efforts to introduce,There are also over 250,000 trustees across Scotland who help manage, shape and guide voluntary sector,This highlights the importance and viability of introducing flexibility to funding arrangements.,Question Eight Can you point us towards data, research or insights from past work or other countries

Cyber Security - a how to guide

Working remotely means you need to find a balance between supporting your staff and volunteers to access,There is a good guide to protection against phishing in the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) Small,charity guide.,We like NCSC’s quick 30 min cyber security e-learning course for staff, introducing why cyber security,You will need to understand how you manage data; and how you share data with other organisations and

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: